Finally - Arizona --- it's cold cold cold

It's 11pm and only 54 degrees. BURRRRRR

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I am scanning all the old Floppy's that were in those 2 big boxes from the fire restoral people. Eventually I will make master CDs so I will safely have the pictures and will have gotten rid of 2 big boxes at the same time. Whew - I spent 4 hours doing this Tuesday - it's a bigger job then I thought it would be. Of course, since I keep looking at the pictures, it is taking 3 times as long.
On March 17, 2000 I took Shelby and the 3 grandkids (the only grand-kids in existance at that point) to the Mesa Museum. A lot of people don't realize that Mesa now has a truly world class museum - but it has kept the things that make it individual - like the 1st Mesa City Jail that kids can now go into. Here's some pictures from way back in 2000.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Eating Healthy even when it's hot.

What do you do when it's just too hot to cook - plus it cost to much to cool off a kitchen after turning on the stove or over. Answer - Salads and grilling outside.

Today I got all the vegtables ready, having Reg's garden is so much better than running out to the market, and put a bag of Reg's homemade Italian Sauage out to defrost. While Reg grilled the Sausages outside on the grill I quickly sauteed in olive oil 2 chopped cloves of garlic with 1/2 of one of Reg's sweet onions from the garden. Then I added some chopped cauliflower and brocolli, Reg's cherry tomatoe's (it's what I had on hand, peppers and zuchini would have been good too) and just sauteed them slightly, then tosed them into a deep bowl. In the same pot I had used to sauteed in (the fewer the dishes to wash the better) I quickly boiled some water, then cooked about 1/2 of a box of angel hair pasta.

While waiting for the pasta to cook I cut up a dozen or so fresh basil leaves, also from Reg's garden, and threw them into the bowl. When the pasta was done I saved about 1/2 cup of the pasta water, drained the rest, and added the pasta to the bowl also. I tossed all this with some olive oil, then added some soft Mozzarella cheese cut in small chunks and some largely grated parmesan cheese and a few tablespoons of the pasta water and "Voila" (yes a French word for an Italian dish - but I have not entirely crossed over yet) a perfect Italian dinner, pasta and sausage.

I also have been making a different cold Italian salad a couple of times a week. I buy a 1/2 pint at DelFalco's, then I take it home and fiddle until I have made a salad as good or, as Reg has told me, better than bought at the Italian store.

Fun at the Movies

Sunday July 11 was so hot (nothing new there). It was a good thing that Rob invited us to the heavenly air conditioned movies with Avery and Audrey. They had recently watched "Toy Story" and Toy story 2" at home, so the new Toy Story 3 was a good movie for their 1st movie experience. They both liked the movie and so did Rob, Grandpa and I. The ending was so wonderful, I cried. When we walked outside from the theater it was like walking into a wall of fire - but - walking under the misters that are all over the San Tan shoping center made the heat bearable. We went to lunch at "Johnny Rockets", a place I have been to with Kylee and Sydney too. Audrey tried my Vanilla malt but she decided the chocolate shake was best. The waitress drew different faces with catsup squirt bottles on the catsup and Avery loved it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Monsoon

On the last Sunday in June Rob and the kids came over so Rob could clean his car in our afternoon shaded driveway, he cleaned top to bottom, inside and outside, shiny as a new copper penny for the trade with Lara. Lara has decided she wants the newer Toyota and Rob should take the older Van.
We always make sure that the Grand-kids leave with some goodies - toys, books, clothes, etc. Here's Papa getting the goodie bag into the car the last Sunday in June. Avery is showing the camera the bag and Audrey is already getting into it ! This coming Saturday we are invited to "Movie Night, Toy Story II " at Rob's with the kids and we will bring a goodie bag that will have a goodie for Papa ! Even Papa's need a surprize once in a while.
Boy - has it ever been HOT HOT HOT this week! Tonight, Friday July 9, we have had our 1st MONSOON !!! A wall of Hail came down our street from the Superstition Mountains, heading west, in the front of the house - but it was almost dry in the back of the house - then a wall of water swept past us - as Reg and I stood looking out the living room window, then a wall of sand !!! All of this took only 8-10 minutes. We went back and forth between the front windows and the back windows - comparing what was happening. Holy Cow !!! Exciting Stuff ..