Finally - Arizona --- it's cold cold cold

It's 11pm and only 54 degrees. BURRRRRR

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New House news

Today I met Rory, from Cactus Apprasals at the house. He is the most interesting person. He has his own film production company and makes movie shorts/festival length films, writes movie scripts and has worked as an extra and had speaking parts in several movies. He also knew everything about our house because he used to work at Cavco building manufactured homes. I learned so much about our house from Rory. Reg had wanted to know what the insulation was in the walls. It's 11 in the walls and 14 in the ceiling/roof. Cavco builds their homes so the floor joists go from front to back, lengthwise, there are 3 in each half of a home. For the bathroom suite/master shower Reg will need to put in some extra supports in the space under the house. I learned so much today. Here's a picture 1. of Rory looking at out electical box that is in the newly finished "Man Cave" that Reg has completed and 2. a picture of the opposite wall. He did such a great job. And the last picture is of my car in the west side driveway - where the Kitchen entry into the house is.