Grandpa and Rob
went to the
on the NE
corner of
and Power
Road today.
They were having a "Wine Event". Dad says they tasted over 60 different red wines. Snacks of crackers and cheese were served too. Grandma was the designated driver but since it was so close to our house she used the time to shop at Fry's for Sunday's dinner fixings. Apples were on sale for $1.00 a pound so we will have a home-made Apple Pie this week. +++++ It was pretty cool today, in the low 60's, and we started our day with a good rain. That is wonderful because the grapefruit and orange trees at our new home have really suffered from under watering! +++++ Grandpa went to Acme Locksmith (Rob's business) and got all new locks for our new home in Sunrise Village this morning and had "fancy" keys made. He got an himself an Elvis key and got me a "Nemo" key. Neat ! +++++ Boy O Boy! Hauling Christmas boxes up those stairs today made me wish I was in the manufactured home now. This week - with the cold - I have taken a lot of anti-inflamatories and my tummy is not happy.