Finally - Arizona --- it's cold cold cold

It's 11pm and only 54 degrees. BURRRRRR

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lil' Sister Jenny and I went to the Superstition Harkins 25 last week and saw the new version of "Total Recall".  Reg said he wasn't interested in going  because we had seen the older version of the movie (probably 20 years ago, maybe 30 or 40 years ago  :) .  HEY - the new movie was really good, I'd give it a 4 star rating.  It was only a slightly similar plot but with a lot of different twists and turns in the story,  plus fantastic special effects.  After the movie we went to one of my favorite eateries, Paradise Cafe - and had a leisurely lunch.  Jen took this picture of me in front of the wonderful restored Carusol at the Superstition Springs Mall. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Here's Grandpa on the computer.  He spends just as much time on it as I do.  It's kind of neat when we go up to the office and sit next to each other on the computers.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

We saw the new "Diary
of a Wimpy Kid" movie last week-end at the Superstitions Harkins with Rob and the kids. It was great. Enough plot so this time I didn't fall asleep.  The previews for Hotel Translyvania looked good. As you may know, we like Halloween scary movies. 

Oldest son Reggie with our oldest Grandson Tyler come to get advice from Grandpa about a repair to Tyler's car.  He has a Toyota 4runner, kind of a SUV style of a car.  Grandpa has build cars from the ground up and can do any bodywork repair and restoral - so Reg and Tyler came to the right guy.