Finally - Arizona --- it's cold cold cold

It's 11pm and only 54 degrees. BURRRRRR

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The week before the party the pool was 88 degree's, Finally! But for a couple of days before the party the weather got cooler, below 100,then below 95, and the pool got cooler too, only 84. Just a tad bit too cool for us AZ folks. ! Janet and Van from Colorado laughed at me when I said the water is too cold at 84. They are happy when their public pool in Cortez is 75 degrees! Burrrrr. Janet even went swimming in the early morning here.
The kids all loved the "FOG" feature Grandpa has build into the pool. Plus they all love the fountain jets too. Audrey had a squirt gun fight with Uncle Reggie.

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