Finally - Arizona --- it's cold cold cold

It's 11pm and only 54 degrees. BURRRRRR

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sunday at the Zoo with Audrey

Audrey had her 4 year old Birthday Party at the zoo and she and her friends loved it. The Zoo did a great job. They had a huge jug of lemonaid ready for all the guest (it was our first over 80 degree day here this year) and a nice picnic area over looking the lake. A zo Gal was there as the kids arrived and had set up an activity station for the kids. They made zoo animal masks. Avery and his buddies seemed to be having a good time too. The cake was a masterpiece. It was a map of the Zoo and had the cutest Zoo Toy Animals on it. I got to meet Audrey's best friend, Laney. Everybody got a piece of the chocolate Marble cake and a cup of ice cream. I had to leave early but after the cake the kids got to have a zoo adventure with baby animals.

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