Finally - Arizona --- it's cold cold cold

It's 11pm and only 54 degrees. BURRRRRR

Sunday, June 5, 2011

May 26 Sydney Graduates HS

Miss Sydnee Vallelunga ( our oldest Grandaughter ) graduated from Skyline High School on Thursday evening. There were over 800 kids in her class. The ceremony was on the football field and it was packed - standing room only by 10 minutes before the start of the program. It was over 100 degrees but after the sun set it cooled down a bit. All those kids were in those long gowns and hats - they must have been roasting, although it was probably cooler on the grass. My camera isn't great for dusk pictures but with my telephoto lens I got a shot of Syd walking to her assigned row for seating ( see picture of the 5 people walking on field, Sydney is the middle gal ). Sydnee got a 2 year tuition scholarship to Mesa Community Colleges and received honors for her volunteer hours. She also is an "A" student and has had a part time job the whole school year. She is one really sensational girl !
We got to the school early enough to get lower seats but Sydney's Dad got way up high in the stands so he could get really good pictures. Reg was recovering from knee surgery so we didn't think we could make it up that high. Look at the view of the Mountains looking eastward from the stands. What a beautiful place to hold the graduation. The green robes added to the lush look of the green grass field of graduates.

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